1. The holiday centre is located on a private property and all holiday centre internal policies are set by the holiday centre owner.
  2. Arrivals in the holiday centre homes, cottages and tent sites are from 15:00 to 21:00 on the day of booking. In exceptional cases (with prior notice), later arrivals are possible. The reservation is canceled after 21:00. Departure until 11.00. The holiday centre territory is closed from 9pm to 6pm. Night entry-departure (except for special emergencies: health, extra cases (advance notice)) -10 eur.
  3. The Usma Meķi administration is not responsible for your personal belongings.
  4. Damage to the property  and inventory of “Usma Meķi” and relocating inventory is prohibited.
  5. In case of damage to inventory or property, the administration of Usma Meķi alone determines the amount of compensation. You can find out the value of each inventory from our employees.
  6. Holiday centre car, trailer and tent sites are provided by a holiday centre employee only.
  7. No smoking indoors (including electronic and IQOS).
  8. In the holiday centre, fires are only allowed in designated areas.
  9. The holiday centre is pet friendly. The owner of a pet is responsible for the good behaviour and care after his or her pet.
  10. Safety regulations must be observed when standing by and on the water, litter must not be thrown into the water.
  11. Everyone is responsible for their own health and safety when swimming and engaging in sports activities.
  12. At the end of your stay in the holiday centre, the keys of the Usma Meki accommodation must be handed over to the administration.
  13. After 23:00, the volume of the music should not disturb the rest of the holiday centre.
  14. The administration of holiday centre Usma Meķi has the right to suspend services and ask to vacate the premises and areas if guests do not comply with generally accepted standards of conduct or if their activities interfere with the comfort of other guests.

Wishing you a pleasant stay!